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Showing posts from July, 2023

Surveying All the Quaids

To investigate the history of my Quaid relatives, I’ve spent quite a bit of time looking at the records of people to whom I am not related. I often see partial matches that aren’t quite the person I'm looking for, but the names are so familiar that I can’t help wondering about them. Who the heck are these people? Well, the name “Quaid” isn’t all that common. It turns out that the number of people with that name in any given time or place is pretty manageable. As a sort of experiment I decided to try to identify the family groups present in a few specific sets of records. Why? This is most likely pointless. There is some outside chance of identifying a hitherto unknown branch of my family, possibly through someone else’s research and perhaps more likely by identifying candidates for a distant DNA match. A minor benefit of doing this is that, for each of these data sources, I will have associated each Quaid record with a specific person, so in the future I can be less distracted. Ho...