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Showing posts from August, 2022

California Quaids

My great-grandfather Thomas Steven Quaid emigrated to the United States in the 1880s. I don't know a lot about the circumstances -- I don't know why he left, or even when, precisely. I also don't know why he went to Chicago, but I've always assumed that there must have been family or friends already there. David Joseph Quaid (1846-1925) I have not yet found any close relatives who preceded Thomas in Chicago, but along the way I found that Thomas' aunt and uncle had emigrated to California a few years earlier. This is what I know about them. To back up a step, Patrick Quaid and Ellen Dundon were farmers in Ballymacamore in County Limerick, Ireland in the mid-1800s. They had my great-great-grandfather Charles Quaid sometime around 1835, then a bunch of other kids, then Ellen Quaid in 1844 and David Joseph Quaid in 1846. In 1848 they had their last child that I know about, a daughter named Mary. [1] David Joseph Quaid's baptism in Ballymacamore, March 25, 1846 In...