The story goes that William Hearn Simons and Alice Dora Morris met at a dance in Lovelaceville, Kentucky , and were married in the spring of 1880. William was 25, Alice was 18, and they were my great-great-grandparents. They were also the first of my ancestors on the Shelton line to be photographed. William Hearn Simons and Alice Morris Simons, circa 1900 What’s Going On? What was happening around 1880 when William and Alice are entering adulthood? Eleven-year-old John Greenock arrived in Chicago with his mom, joining his father who had already been there a couple of years. Jacob Rebman and Sarah Ann Trier had a baby named Flora in Northbrook, Illinois. The United States was recovering from The Panic of 1873 . Down in Tombstone, there was a gunfight in the empty lot behind the O.K. Corral. Fonso won the 6th running of the Kentucky Derby. Wagon Train to Texas In the 1880 Census, the newlyweds were living with William's uncle William G Hearn in Ballard County . Alice was an orpha...
Loosely organized notes on the genealogy of my Grandparents, including Quaids, Spickas, Jacksons and Greenocks.